Saturday, January 24, 2009


Lorenzo and I went to the mall last night to get my Valentine's Day gift.
Unfortunately, I forgot my camera :(
Ever walk by people with random carts or booths or whatever in the mall that bug you and try to convince you to try out what they're selling? They always get me. lol. I feel bad so I act interested and am always like well maybe next time no thanks.
Last night, this crazy girl grabs me and yanks me to her cart and tries to get me to sit down and try her straightners.

After lots of trying to be pursuaded, heres a very short version of our conversation..

crazystraightnergirl: Sit down, I will change your life right now.
me: nah, no thanks
crazystraightnergirl: I insist. You will never regret this. sit down while I straighten your hair.
(my hair is in a scrunched ponytail with lots of gel and bigsexyhairspray)
me: no, I have to much product in my hair, next time maybe.
crazystraightnergirl: what kind of straightner do you use? chi? oh no! Chi's light peoples hair on fire. You don't believe me? Google it. It's not me. It's google. It's not me.
me: oh really? hmm yikes. okay.
crazystraightnergirl: Let me change your life.
me: I'll catch ya next time.

Watch out for this girl. She's crazy. lol.
The whole time, Lorenzo is standing there unamused. He kept saying just tell her no thanks lets go. I didn't want to be rude though.

My present we got is pretty diamond earrings. :) :) :)

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Anonymous said...

I need to teach you the fine art of sweet rudeness...asap.

Whitney said...

Oh those people bug me so bad. I always ignore them when they talk to me. Trick? NEVER look at them, ha ha. For some reason, they think that just because *gasp* you made eye contact, you want to buy whatever it is that they're selling. And sometimes, you kinda have to be a biotch, because some people just don't get it. (Why would she want to try to straighten someone's hair that was done up?....)