Friday, August 1, 2008

know and tell friday

1. Which is worse: speaking to a large crowd or working under an impossible deadline?
I guess an impossible deadline... because if it's impossible you can't do it. lol.

2. Could you work with your best friend?
I think probably so.

3. Do you eat seafood?
I like popcorn shrimp. lol. and fishsticks.

4. What is the worst thing you have ever eaten?
Chinese food. I don't like it.

5. Which would make you feel more appreciated by your DH / SO: bringing home flowers, doing a chore without being asked, or asking you on a “date”?

6. What is something fun you are going to do today?
Goto Lorenzo's.

7. What qualities you look for in a friend … in other words, what causes you to really “click” with someone?
Someone funny and sweet.

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Heather and Reese said...

Thanks for joining in this week. I loved reading your answers.

I hope you had a great day yesterday.


Anonymous said...

fishsticks? ew! lol

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!

Heather and Reese said...

After all the complaining I did about shrimp being the bugs of the sea, I'm going to quietly admit that occasionally I'll pop a few popcorn shrimp into my mouth. If they're small and breaded you can't really tell they have fat, chewy bodies. And pretty much anything is better fried!

Bless you, Amanda!


Nancy Face said...

Mmmm...SEAFOOD! It's my very favorite! I like Chinese, too! Okay, now I'm hungry, tee hee! ;)