Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Catching up.

Took some pics in my car this morning while waiting for my boss to arrive. lol.

I love this ring. I almost always always wear it. I got it while on my mission trip to Canada from a woman selling jewelry on the streets of Old Montreal. I really like it. It's lovebirds.

My everything bag. Not my purse. My purse is much smaller. I almost always have this bag in my car. It carries my gym stuff if I'm going to the gym, a change of clothes if I need it, makeup, straightner, hairspray, and whatever else. It usually stays in my car.

Lorenzo and I have matching new shoes. cute!

Pictures from the week..

getting ready to work out Tuesday.
in my car on the way to our gym.

a scary spider that currently lives on my front porch in a big web.

love this shirt. (Sunday after church)

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Christina said...

Thanks for the comment..:]
The picture of that spider really freks me out : / ; P

Whitney said...

I liked all the pictures except for one.
I'm a HUGE aracnaphobic.